My Story

I am very happy to say that I married someone who is just as adventurous and enjoys traveling and exploring as much as I do. We’ve been married 30 years and have two beautiful daughters and an amazing son in law!

Much of my traveling was done with either just my wife and I, or on Daddy daughter trips or all of us together on one of our epic road trips! So Many fun memories. We can’t wait to share just a few of our favorite places with you!

My favorite type of restaurant :

A lot of people have asked me what defines my favorite restaurants. For me, It’s all about the food and the flavor. How it’s prepared, what seasonings we’re used. Some of the food I’ve had at food trucks and shacks have been every bit as good as some of the five star dining I’ve done!

Good Food to me is the experience! My wife feels a little differently on this point, she enjoys the atmosphere and ambience as well! You know women! I’ll include her thoughts on date night options as well- because I know for a fact that Keeps you happily married for 30 years!

Enough about me, let’s talk food.